Face to face

I’ve just come from the first networking breakfast I’ve attended in a while.

Feeling invigorated, motivated and positive.

The @New Forest Business Partnership run regular networking events, breakfasts and talks to support local business and while you may think you don’t have much in common with lawyers, tax accountants and restauranteurs, we’re all just trying to do the best we can, with the skills, time and talent we’ve got.

I really enjoyed chatting with other business owners. Sharing stories, challenges and success.

Standing face to face. Looking one another in the eye.

No agenda. No expectation.

Just chat, coffee, support and breakfast.

Thank you @PJ Stevens for inspiring me to attend. Yes, I spotted you were the guest speaker last month. Kicking myself for missing it.

Thank you @Nancy Hyne for asking me to come along.

Thank you @Matthew Lawson and @Alice Smee for organising these events and bringing everyone together.

Thank you @Chewton Glen for a fabulous breakfast. Those eggs!!

And finally, thank you @Astrid Davies for your deep dive into what “sustainability” really means.

For people, community, planet. I’m with you.



A thought for horses


I love writing blogs